Cabinet reshuffle

Reshuffle in Bulgarian Political Cabinets: 9 New Deputy Ministers Appointed

Acting Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev has issued orders appointing nine new deputy ministers across six ministries. Among the notable changes is the appointment of Alexander Yolovski, former Minister of e-Governance, as deputy minister, marking a pivotal moment in the ongoing restructuring of governmental roles.

A quieter model

For decades, prime ministers' closest aides and advisers acted noiselessly and as far away from the lights of publicity as possible. They rarely aired their views and maintained "institutional silence," even after the end of their service. They were more effective by avoiding the kind of overexposure that has so often seduced the residents of the Maximos Mansion.

Limited cabinet reshuffle expected

Changes to the cabinet are expected to be announced on Wednesday by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. 

Rumors of imminent government changes had been circulating since before the winter holidays.

Details are currently undisclosed from the Maximos Mansion; however, indications suggest a potential announcement of the reshuffle within the next few hours.

Bulgaria's PM Warns of Vote-Buying Claims

Claims of vote buying have been submitted in northwestern Bulgaria, the country's poorest region, interim Prime Minister Ognyan Gerdzhikov has said.

"There are signals reaching me" of "bags" already circulating in some regions, Gerdzhikov has explained in a reference to bags of money handed out or promised to people who "sell" their vote.
