New cabinet: Are they really the best we've got?

The cabinet reshuffle the argument goes, was a chance for a fresh start, a bid to reach out to society, to the younger generation and to other political groups. 

We have heard it all before. I am not going to argue here about whether a spent political force could possibly become the symbol of a true advance into the future. Nor am I going to repeat the derogatory comments that some were saying about others in the past. I will only address the question of ability. 

The majority of the 53 members that make up the new, rather oversized cabinet cannot live up to the circumstances and challenges that Greece will face in the post-bailout era.

Does Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras really believe that the people whom he kept in the government, some in different cabinet posts, did a great job as ministers? Similarly, does he think that the new entrants possess the necessary...

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