Central Europe

Bulgarian Foreign Minister: The Western Balkans' EU-integration is an Irreversible Process

"I am happy that after the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the European integration process for the Western Balkans is already irreversible," Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva said during a meeting with Roberto Antoniene, CEO of the Central European Initiative of the MFA.

Income Growth in Eastern Europe is Losing Momentum, but Bulgaria has the Potential for Progress

Convergence in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries in the area of ​​income is threatened by a slowdown if these members do not restructure their economies faster and do not begin to bring about the related productivity gains. That's what Moody's warned, reports money.bg

PM Dancila at CEI Summit: Romania forthright with preparations for EU Council's Presidency

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Monday participated in Zagreb in the opening of the Summit of the heads of gov't with the member states of the Central European Initiative (CEI), an opportunity to announce that Romania is forthright with its preparations for taking over the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU, a Government press release informs..

Minister for the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council Received Prize For Bulgaria at Vienna Economic Forum

Minister for the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of EU Lilyana Pavlova has received on behalf of Bulgaria the prestigious Annual Award of the Vienna Economic Forum at a ceremony yesterday, reported the Bulgarian National Radio. 

EC President Jean-Claude Juncker to participate for the first time in Three Seas Initiative Summit

President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker will attend for the first time the Three Seas Initiative Summit on Monday and Tuesday in Bucharest, the Representation of the European Commission to Romania informs on Friday.

Three Seas Initiative Summit to be unfolded in Bucharest, Sept. 17-18

President Klaus Iohannis will host the third Summit of the Three Seas Initiative, at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace, September 17-18.

According to a press statement released by the Presidential Administration, the summit in Bucharest will provide a political opportunity to validate the strategic guidelines that underlie the future development of the Three Seas Initiative.

#DiplomaticCentennial/Romania's Ambassador to Czech Republic Carmen Burlacu: Romanian-Czech relations excellent, will continue to be the same

The Romanian-Czech relations "are excellent nowadays, too, despite the several matters that have affected Europe - at least in the past hundred years - and I believe they will continue to be the same, regardless of the sensitive topics on the European agenda, that could be solved, always in the better way through dialogue and negotiations," says in an interview with AGERPRES, the ambassador of
