
Used in Detergents and Toothpastes Substance Causes Cancer

Researchers claim that there is an "urgent need" to test triclosan, a common chemical in household products. After preliminary studies, scientists conclude that it might cause colonic inflammation and promote colon cancer.

Triclosan is not necessarily a household name, but the products that it is found in certainly are.

A 7th Grader from Burgas Attempted Suicide in a School Bathroom

Girl in the seventh grade tried to poison herself with xanax in the toilet of the Burgas highschool "Ivan Vazov", reports novini. 

The incident took place in the large school break on Wednesday. The girl just shared with her classmates what she did and the kids called the nurse, Monitor reported.

USA FDA approves controversial “big brother” drug

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved an antipsychotic drug that carries a digital sensor to track whether patients are taking it, according to an agency announcement published Monday. The new drug, Abilify MyCite, is used to treat schizophrenia and manic episodes associated with bipolar disorder.

Within Days it will be Clear if there are More Bulgarian Eggs Containing Fipronil

Within days it will be clear if there are more Bulgarian eggs with fipronil, reported bTV. The Food Safety Agency said inspections were carried out in other poultry farms, except for the three closed yesterday.

Bulgaria has submitted information to the European Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed Problems as one of the closed farms is exporting eggs abroad.

Eggs Containg Fipronil Found in Bulgaria

Eggs containg fipronil have been found in a packaging facility where eggs are delivered from three Bulgarian poultry farms, Bulgarian Food Safety Agency said on 14th of September. Most of the fipronil-affected eggs were in the shops in and around Sofia but larger amount of them have already been withdrawn from the market. The eggs have not been used for production of egg powder.
