Christos Stylianides

Mitsotakis pledges to restructure civil protection

Speaking nearly a year after the deadly wildfires in the seaside resort of Mati, east of Athens, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis heralded the restructuring of the country's civil protection mechanism, while promising that the 112 emergency telephone number will be operational by the end of the year.

Stylianides to observe new ACS program for refugee children

On Saturday European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides will visit the ACS Athens campus to observe the school's Youth-to-Youth educational and social integration program in action, meet with young refugees and talk to volunteer teachers and ACS students.

Number of wildfire victims points to 'gaps' in prevention, says Stylianides

The large number of victims resulting from the deadly blaze that devastated Attica's eastern coast this week "may indicate gaps prevention and preparedness," European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides told Kathimerini in an interview published on Sunday.

Tsipras, Stylianides discuss EU aid for fire-stricken areas

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras held a meeting with European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides in Athens on Wednesday to discuss ways to coordinate EU aid to tackle the devastation caused by the fires in Attica, that have left at least 80 people dead.

Commission chief writes to Greek PM to express condolences over deadly fires

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker wrote to Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Tuesday to express his condolences for the loss of life from a devastating wildfire in eastern Attica.

It is with a heavy heart that I have learnt that many people have tragically lost their lives in devastating fires in Athens, Greece," Juncker wrote.

Commission announces new emergency support to help refugees in Greece

The European Commission announced Monday new funding of 180 million euros for aid projects in Greece, including to expand the flagship Emergency Support to Integration & Accommodation (ESTIA) program.

ESTIA helps get refugees into urban accommodation and out of camps and provides them with regular cash assistance.
