
Watch impressive f-16 manoeuvres from cockpit camera! (videos)

Undoubtedly the highlight of the October 28 National “OCHI Day” celebrations in Thessaloniki was the incredible demonstration put on by airforce major Sotiris Stralis in his Zeus f-16 Block-52 fighter jet over the skies of the city. The breath-taking visuals from his cockpit were captured on video.

A futurist bridge by Rolls-Royce

This is neither the cockpit of a supersonic aircraft nor the cockpit of a space shuttle. It is the bridge of Stril Luna vessel.

Stril Luna was designed by Rolls-Royce and its bridge is equipped with a system that they call a “Unified Bridge,” an ergonomic concept for ship management which incorporates the latest technology!

Germanwings co-pilot Lubitz was treated for suicidal tendencies

Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz, who reportedly crashed an Airbus en route from Barcelona to Dusseldorf into a French Alps mountainside, had received treatment for suicidal tendencies prior to obtaining his commercial pilot's license.

Dusseldorf prosecutor Ralf Herrenbruck said the co-pilot had been in "psycho-therapeutic treatment with a noted suicide risk over a long period."

Extra safety after 9/11 kept doomed plane's cockpit locked - co-pilot's parents in shock

The tragic irony from Germanwings crash in the French Alps this week, assuming that the scenario of the co-pilot's reckless suicide proves the most prevalent, is the fact that the impassable cockpit door was a result of safety measures instituted after 9/11.
