Cristina Fernández de Kirchner

Assassination of the vice president of Argentina, he pulled the trigger twice VIDEO

Argentina's Vice President, Cristina Fernndez de Kirchner narrowly escaped assassination after a bullet got stuck in the barrel while a man held a gun pointed at her.
The assassin was arrested.
Cristina Fernndez de Kirchner was greeting supporters outside her home when a man emerged from the crowd and pointed a gun at her face.

Argentina loses 127,000 jobs in recession: government

Nearly 130,000 people lost their jobs in recession-hit Argentina from January to September this year, the government said on Nov. 17.

Companies reported a total of 127,595 job cuts - a 1.5 percent fall in employment overall - the Federal Public Revenues Administration said.

Just under eight million of the country's 41 million people were formally employed.

Argentina: UN Asks for Release of Activist Milagro Sala

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - The United Nations' Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has asked the government of Argentine President Mauricio Macri to "immediately" release Milagro Sala, a social activist and an MP in the Parlasur, following her "arbitrary and baseless" arrest in January of this year.

Argentina: Macri's Malvinas/Falklands Policy Ruffling Feathers At Home

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - After attempting to break completely with his predecessor Cristina Fernández de Kirchner's policies on the Malvinas/Falkland Islands and take a softer stance, Argentine President Mauricio Macri has earned criticism not only from political opposition but even from within his own government.
