Croats of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia's Ruling Parties Paper Over Coalition Cracks

Bakir Izetbegovic of the Party of Democratic Action, SDA, and Zeljko Komsic of the Democratic Front, DF, on Tuesday said the crisis in the government of Bosnia's mainly Bosniak and Croat Federation entity had been resolved.

The two politicians said that problems over opposing views among coalition partners on the replacement of managers in key public companies had been overcome.

Collapse of Bosnia's Ruling Coalition Deepens Crisis

Bosnia's ruling coalition has effectively collapsed after the three main parties in the Federation failed to agree on the makeup of the entity's new government on Sunday. 

This development puts in question the recent agreement on the formation of the new state government, and threatens to push the country deeper into political chaos five months after the elections. 

Croatia's New President Faces Questions on Bosnia Visit

The first official foreign visit of the new Croatian President, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, will be on March 3 to Sarajevo, where she will meet Bosnian senior officials.  
The planned visit is attracting attention, having in mind conflicting statements she has made about her future position on Bosnia and Herzegovina.  
