Cyprus dispute

Attila 50 Years Later: Mitsotakis and Erdogan in Cyprus, 11 Kilometers Apart

On July 20, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and President Tayyip Erdogan will be in Cyprus for separate events, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion. Their presence, just 11 kilometers apart, highlights ongoing tensions despite attempts at rapprochement between Greece and Türkiye.

Türkiye: NAVTEX south of Rhodes and east of Crete within the potential Greek continental shelf – Greece’s response

This area has been unilaterally and arbitrarily declared to the UN with the well-known Turkish letters as the Turkish EEZ - Turkey yesterday issued another NAVTEX with which it stood against Cyprus

Chances of Cyprus peace talks restart look dimmer as Turkish Cypriot leader sees no common ground

Chances of restarting formal talks to mend Cyprus' decades-long ethnic division appeared dimmer Wednesday as the leader of the breakaway Turkish Cypriots told a UN envoy that he saw no common ground with Greek Cypriots for a return to negotiations.

The US reluctance to call Turkey’s presence in Cyprus an occupation

This summer will mark 50 years since Turkey's invasion of Cyprus, and for the last five decades tens of thousands of Turkish occupation troops have been present in the northern part of the island. 50 years later, the US still refuses to officially recognize Turkey's illegal occupation as an occupation.
