Cyprus peace process

Athens claims high ground as Erdogan warns troops will stay on Cyprus 'forever'

Turkey's dismissal of the demand for a full withdrawal of its forces from divided Cyprus in the event of a settlement, and its overall attitude at the international summit in Geneva on Thursday, confirmed, Athens claimed on Friday, Ankara's unwillingness to be constructive in the bid for a solution.

Cautious Ankara sets 3 conditions for Cyprus

Turkey has set three conditions regarding security, land tradeoffs and a rotating presidency to achieve a solution on Cyprus, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Jan. 13, one day after a five-party conference over Cyprus ended without agreement but with a plan for officials to reconvene on Jan. 18 to tackle the thorny question of security.

President Erdoğan rules out withdrawal of Turkish troops from Cyprus

A full withdrawal of Turkish troops from Turkish Cyprus is "out of the question," President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Jan. 13, one day after the five-party conference over Cyprus ended without agreement but with a plan for officials to reconvene on Jan. 18 to tackle the thorny security question.

Moment of truth for Cyprus

Today marks the fifth death anniversary of Rauf Denktaş, the founding president of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Today may also be a new start for Turkish and Greek Cypriots. Thursday was a very important day for all Cypriots, irrespective of ethnical divides, and all those who are still bothered with the prospect of peace in the eastern Mediterranean island.

UN urges patience in ongoing Cyprus peace talks

The United Nations' new secretary-general, Antonio Guterres, has urged the parties in the Cyprus peace talks in Geneva to be patient to reach a "solid and sustainable" solution, as the Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot leaders were accompanied by the foreign ministers of the three guarantor powers for the first time. 

The temptation of blaming Turkey's Erdoğan on Cyprus

"Turkey holds key at last-ditch Cyprus talks," was the headline of an analysis published in the EUObserver a few days before the intercommunal talks started in Geneva on Jan. 9.

From this headline you would assume that the Geneva talks are not negotiations or a give-and-take exercise between the two communities on the divided island, but it was an effort aimed at convincing Turkey.
