
US Navy commander: No real change in Russian military’s conduct toward Western warships in east Med

A US Navy commander said Wednesday there is "no significant change" in the conduct of Russian aircraft and warships toward Western naval and air assets in the eastern Mediterranean as Moscow's war in Ukraine grinds on.

US official says near-collision US-Russia incident 'similar' to Turkish activities in EastMed

The United States' Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan said Friday a near-collision between in a Russian destroyer and a US Navy ship in the Philippine Sea was reminiscent of Tuskish aggression in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean.

Turkey launches ‘Blue Homeland’ naval exercise

In what has been described as a show of force to Greece and Cyprus, Turkey on Wednesday launched its biggest ever naval exercise.

The "Blue Homeland 2019" exercise, with the participation of frigates, destroyers and fighter jets, takes place in the Black Sea, the Aegean and the Mediterranean through March 8.

Watch three Chinese warships enter Piraeus port (video)

The citizens of Piraeus had the opportunity to see three Chinese navy ships sail into their port in the framework of the Chinese initiative under the theme “Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forum, May 2017. The three ships were the frigate Plans Jing Zhou (FFG-532), the Destroyer Plans Chun (DDG-150) and the Plans Chao Hu (AOR-890) replenishment ship.

Chinese navy fleet docks at Istanbul port

Chinese navy destroyer Changchun, the flagship of long-term overseas drilling, and two other warships docked at Istanbul's port on July 18, as part of Beijing's plan to tour them around the world in 180 days. 

Chinese Military Attaché to Ankara Zheng Qinli, Consul General to Istanbul Qian Bo and a group of Chinese citizens in the city welcomed the fleet headed by Admiral Miao Hua. 
