Eastern Orthodox Church

There’s a little Orthodox church all by itself up there… in Antarctica! (spectacular pics)

The Russians have built an Orthodox Church overlooking the Russian Antarctic base. Father Benjamin Maltzev offers regular services at the Holy Trinity church of Antarctica to the 15 or so Russian speakers who spend winter at the base. It is large enough, however, to accomodate more than 30 visitors per service.

The last chapter in the New York cake porn priest scandal: Istanbul gives epilogue

In the latest installment of the kinky Washington Heights priest who was caught on video engaging in a fetish known as cake porn with a married church-school administrator came on Friday. The scandal involving Reverend George Pasios, aged 67, made its way to the Greek Orthodox Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate during its monthly meeting on Friday, November 27.

Russian lawmakers call for a return of Hagia Sophia to Orthodoxy!

Sergei Gavrilov, an MP from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) urged Turkey to return the Hagia Sophia Cathedral to the Orthodox Christian Church. He said that in this way Ankara would demonstrate that good will is above politics. “We expect the Turkish side to show a goodwill gesture and return Hagia Sophia Cathedral to the Christian Church,” he said.
