
Turkey to build tax-free industrial zone in Palestine

Turkey plans to build an organized industrial zone in the Palestinian city of Jenin in the West Bank, according to a new memorandum of understanding.

Turkish Science, Industry and Technology Minister Fikri Işık and Palestinian Deputy Prime Minister and National Economy Minister Mohammed Mostafa signed the deal late on Nov. 26.

Turkcell’s story becomes a Harvard Business School case study

Turkey’s leading telecommunications and technology company Turkcell has joined a select group of international companies that have inspired Harvard Business School case studies.

The case study on Turkcell has recently been published and will initially be taught on the school’s MBA program as a part of the required curriculum.

Juncker to Unveil EUR 300 B Investment Plan Ahead of No Confidence Vote

EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker is set to announce what he describes as an investment package of EUR 315 B for the next three years.

The so-called "Investment Plan" is aimed at boosting the growth of EU economy by 0.7 to one percent and opening a million new jobs.
