Environmental chemistry

The Ozone Hole over Antarctica - the Smallest in almost 30 Years!

The ozone hole over Antarctica is the smallest in almost 30 years. According to the U.S. Atmospheric Administration, this year its size is twice smaller than usual. In addition, it is located far from the pole, unlike before.

Observations of the gas's depletion high in the atmosphere demonstrate that it hasn't opened up in 2019 in the way it normally does, BBC reported.

10 most polluted cities in the world (photos)

The World Health Organisation (WHO) released a report that estimeted 8.2 million people died due to causes linked to air pollution. This number is unfortunately on the rise. The most harmful pollutant for human health is a particle found in smoke, smog, dust and lodges in the lungs causing long term health problems like asthma and chronic lung disease.

Switzerland Imposes Measures to Battle Increased Ozone Levels

Several regions of Switzerland will be imposing restrictions on the automobile traffic on account of the ozone peak, caused by the heats over the past several days.

The ticket prices for public transportation have been reduced for the purpose of encouraging citizens to leave their cars behind and hopefully to cause decreased levels of pollution.
