Euro summit

Greek official pessimistic about Thursday's Eurogroup meeting

A Greek government official has said he is pessimistic that an agreement paving the way for new loans for Athens will be reached at the meeting of eurozone finance ministers Thursday.

"We are very far from a solution at tomorrow's Eurogroup meeting," the official told the Athens-Macedonian news agency on condition of anonymity on Wednesday. 

2 scenarios emerge in Brussels: Vote by Wed. for more austerity measures or… Grexit

The latest news from Brussels includes a WSJ dispatch claiming that a German proposal, eyeing a five-year exit by Greece from the eurozone, may be included in a Eurogroup draft.

With a EU28 summit on Sunday now cancelled, all eyes are on a Eurozone summit, meaning national leaders and not finance ministers.

EU, EZ leaders point to weekend as last deadline for deal

Europe has given the Greek government an ultimatum to produce a reforms-for-bailout cash package or face a eurozone exit. A deadline appeared as Sunday, when a new emergency euro summit will be held.

Speaking after the latenight eurozone summit, European Council president Donald Tusk warned that the next five days are the most critical in the European Union’s history.
