
Hojs says EURODAC reform elusive during Slovenia’s presidency

Brussels – Interior Minister Aleš Hojs expressed the hope that progress could still be made by the end of 2021 on changes to the European Asylum Dactyloscopy Database (EURODAC), a part of the new Migration Pact. He noted that there would not be a major breakthrough regarding the pact during the Slovenian EU presidency and it had not been expected either.

Greece agrees to return of asylum seekers, German gov't says

The German government says Greece has agreed to take back migrants who apply for asylum there and later turn up at Germany's border with Austria.

The return agreement will extend to asylum seekers registered in Greece by the Eurodac system - the EU's fingerprint database - the spokesperson for the German Ministry of the Interior announced.

EC asks Greece why 370,000 “fingerprints” were lost during migrant registration

The European Commission has started legal action against Greece, Italy and Croatia for failing to correctly register migrants. Greece has been criticized for failure to fingerprint around 121,000 of the almost 500,000 people who arrived in the country between July 20 and November 30, 2015, according to EC estimates.