European Parliament

ANEL opposed to citizenship for 2nd generation immigrants

Right-wing anti-austerity Independent Greeks (ANEL) leader Panos Kammenos told private ANT1 television that he does not agree with the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) government's stand on giving second generation immigrants citizenship. "We are, as Independent Greeks, a parliamentary group of 13 deputies and vote according to the principles by which we were voted in Parliament.

Greeks in high spirits despite Sisyphean task lying in wait

"I could not have expected this. That little boy! And now, he is the leader of Greece!" The old man struggled to hold back his tears, in vain. He had to wipe his eyes with his hand.  Over forty close and distant relatives carrying the same surname as the new prime minister of Greece live in the village of Athamanio, eight hundred meters up on the Tzoumerka Mountains in the Epirus region.

EP's Schulz Criticises Tsipras of Splitting Common EU Stance on Russia

European Parliament (EP) President Martin Schulz criticised on Wednesday the newly-elected Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of splitting the common European Union (EU) stance on Russia.

Tsipras's radical left party SYRIZA won the early parliamentary elections in Greece on Sunday and established a coalition government with the right-wing Independent Greeks.
