Financial services

Tears for Greek pensioners, slashes to their livelihood

A complete overhaul of the Greek pension system is being considered by Greek Parliament with basic rates at 360 euros. Current rates that are more than 1,000 euros will be restructured with dramatic slashes. The new rules are being presented to Labor Minister George Katrougalos and social organizations on Thursday.

Germany's KfW Intends to Lend EUR 100M to Back Bulgaria's Energy Efficiency Programme  

Germany's KfW Development Bank has signed a letter of intent with state-owned Bulgarian Development Bank (BDB) to lend EUR 100 M to finance Bulgaria's programme for boosting the energy efficiency of multi-family residential buildings.

Bulgarian C-Bank's Supervision Dept. Director General Kordovska Resigns

Neli Kordovska, the Bulgarian National Bank's Director General in charge of Banking Supervision, has stepped down, officials have said.

Kordovska is not taking the respective office at Bulgaria's central bank BNB as of October 1.

Representatives of the institution have announced on the BNB's Bulgarian-language website that a procedure is already underway to pick her successor.

Effect of Fed rate hike overrated, Turkish deputy PM says

The effect of an interest rate rise by the U.S. Federal Reserve will roil markets but should not be overrated, Deputy Turkish Prime Minister Cevdet Y?lmaz said Sept. 30.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency during a visit to New York, Y?lmaz said the world economy had been affected by the possibility of a Fed rate hike, the ongoing slowdown in the Chinese economy and weak commodity prices.

National Bank of Greece (NBG) to sell 100% stake in Turkish Finansbank

According to market sources National Bank of Greece (NBG) is planning to sell 100% of its stake in Turkish bank ‘Finansbank’. The same sources says the goal is to sell the shares of the Turkish bank at least double its ‘book value’, which corresponds to 3.8bln Euros. The pending ‘stress tests’ on the Greek banking system lead the management of the Greek bank to reevaluate its business plan.
