
Why a secular constitution is a mere triviality

Secular Turks should relax. Not because their president, prime minister and a whole bunch of ruling party commissars outright rejected Parliament Speaker ?smail Kahraman's idea to draft a "religious" constitution so that the secular ethos of the charter goes away. Turkey will be the same Turkey with or without secular principles in its new constitution. 

Perhaps we should thank the speaker!

Parliament Speaker ?smail Kahraman has understandably caused outrage among modern Turks by suggesting the new Turkish constitution should be stripped of all references to secularism and be based on religious values instead.

His remark also disturbed his own Justice and Development Party (AKP) government because it appears to hint at what really lies in the AKP's heart.

Parliament speaker's call to remove secularism from Turkey's constitution sparks outrage

Parliament Speaker ?smail Kahraman sparked outrage late on April 25 by suggesting that the principle of secularism "must be removed" from Turkey's constitution, as even members of his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) voiced disagreement. 
