Gaza War

FM blasts Netanyahu supporters

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan on Thursday condemned those applauding Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the U.S. Congress, branding them as endorsers of a "bloody criminal."

Those who applauded Netanyahu have gone down in history as supporters of "bloody criminal," marking complete collapse of moral standards witnessed by all humanity, Fidan said on X.

Gaza Airstrike on Hamas Leader Leads to Numerous Civilian Casualties

An Israeli airstrike in Gaza targeted Hamas military commander Mohammed Deif, resulting in the destruction of a populated area. While a senior Israeli source indicated that Deif was likely killed, confirmation is still pending. Rafa Salama, commander of the Hamas brigade in Khan Younis, was also reportedly at the scene, with the Saudi publication "Al-Hadat" claiming his death.

Türkiye condemns deadly Israeli strike on school in Gaza

Türkiye's Foreign Ministry on Tuesday condemned an Israeli attack on a school housing displaced people in the southern Gaza Strip.

The mass graves discovered in largely destroyed Khan Younis, and the targeting of four schools in as many days are "concrete evidence" that Israel seeks to destroy the Palestinian people, it said in a statement.

Israel strikes Gaza as mediators push for truce deal

Heavy strikes rocked Gaza City on Monday as Hamas and Israel staked their claims ahead of truce talks, with Israeli protesters rallying for a hostage release deal.

Mediators Egypt and Qatar were due to host new talks this week, according to officials, as the bloodiest ever Gaza war raged on into its 10th month.

Released Gaza detainees allege torture by Israel amid war

Blindfolded, beaten and sometimes bitten by dogs, Gazans released from Israeli prisons allege being tortured amid the Israel-Hamas war, which rights groups say has worsened conditions for detainees.

Mohammed Abu Salmiya, former director of Al-Shifa, Gaza's biggest hospital, is the latest to report mistreatment by Israel.
