Gjorge Ivanov

FYROM President Vetoes Albanian Language Legislation

FYROM (Macedonian) President Gjorge Ivanov has vetoed legislation extending the official use of the Albanian language to the entire country, saying it could endanger Macedonia's unity and sovereignty.

Ivanov said on January 17 that the proposed law would introduce a "very expensive redundancy" in state institutions and make state administration dysfunctional.

Thessaloniki mayor Boutaris blunder: Calls FYROM “Macedonia” (video)

Thessaloniki mayor Yiannis Boutaris made another blunder on the heated topic of the name of FYROM,  after calling the small nation to the north of Greece’s borders “Macedonia” during his meeting with the Balkan country’s President Gjorge Ivanov and Prime Minister Zoran Zaev on Thursday. The meeting explored the prospects of furthering business collaborations between the Greek city and Skopje.

Macedonia Prime Minister Thinks the Dispute with Greece Over the Name of his Country Will be Soon Resolved

Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said a major step has been taken on resolution of the dispute with Greece on the name of Macedonia, France press reported.

The two recent meetings of foreign ministers of both countries in Athens and Skopje helped to establish friendly relations. "This is not a solution, but a big step was taken," the prime minister told Skopje.

Greek FM headed to FYROM on Thursday

Greece's foreign minister, Nikos Kotzias, is slated to pay a one-day visit to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the ministry said in an announcement on Wednesday.

The visit to the capital, Skopje, will take place on Thursday and will include talks on bilateral relations with Kotzias's counterpart, Nikola Dimitrov, which will be followed by joint statement to the press.
