Government of Afghanistan

US soldier under heavy fire in Afghanistan! (video)

The real life of a soldier in war theatres is far from the glorified image often portrayed in a Hollywood film. It is a constant battle for his/her life survival at every turn. A video shows a US soldier taking on Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan. The footage shows him pinned behind the tree-line, while under heavy fire. He manages to survive.

Taliban shoot down US helicopter in Afghanistan, according to local sources (photo)

The Afghan Taliban claim they shot down a US helicopter in south Afghanistan, according to local news reports relayed on Friday. The Taliban terrorist claim all American soldiers on board were killed. Newspaper ‘Watan Press’, based in the country’s capital city of Kabul, has posted a photo on its facebook profile purportedly showing the helicopter in flames.

Taliban kill 10 Afghan police in insider attack: Officials

A rogue Afghan policeman drugged and then shot dead 10 of his colleagues in the country's volatile south early on Jan. 26, officials said, the second insider attack on police in just over a week.

The Taliban infiltrator then stole their weapons and fled the police outpost in the Chinarto district of Uruzgan province, authorities said, triggering a manhunt.

Afghanistan: Going down

If the Taliban were not so busy fighting the rival Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) jihadis who began operating in Afghanistan early this year, they might now be within reach of overthrowing the Afghan government that the Western powers left behind when they pulled out most of their troops last year. Even with that distraction, the Taliban are doing pretty well.
