Great Eastern Islamic Raiders' Front

EU keeps PKK on terrorism list

The European Union on Feb. 5 renewed its terrorist list for a further six months.

The sanctions list features 14 persons and 21 entities or groups, including the PKK and Dalokay Sanli, a senior figure of the terrorist group.

Terrorist organizations DHKP/C, IBDA-C, and TAK - a PKK offshoot - are also on the list.

Suspect behind bars 'pending trial' for 22 years

A court in Turkey has suspended the trial of a suspect who was arrested over criminal organization-related charges in 1994 and has been under arrest pending trial for 22 years, online news outlet Diken reported on April 12. 

?lhan Çomak's trial was suspended to June 1 by Istanbul's Ça?layan court, as his lawyer's demand for his release was rejected by prosecutors. 

From Sept 11 to the Ankara Bombing

I narrowly escaped al-Qaeda?s bombing of the London Underground on July 7, 2005, while I was doing my postgraduate in London. The same bombs had hit Istanbul just two years before, leaving 57 people dead, making Turkey also a victim of global terror. Four years had passed since the Sept. 11 attacks in New York. 
