PM Ponta: We have necessary gas reserves in short term

Photo credit: (c) Liviu SOVA / AGERPRES ARCHIVE

Prime Minister Victor Ponta has announced that on Monday he had a discussion with Energy Minister Razvan Nicolescu, the conclusion being that, in the short term, Romania has the necessary gas reserves to keep "any problems" at bay.

"We have the obligation to govern and you see that the situation in the region is deteriorating, gas [deliveries] are discontinued. This morning I talked to the energy minister and I want to give the signal that, for Romania, in a short term of 6 months, there is no problem. We have the necessary reserves. The most important thing for us is to have stability and predictability on the whole political stage and the main responsibility for stability rests with us. I want to ask all of you, in all structures that you represent, to give the same message, that it is a period in which Romania needs stability more than anything," PM Ponta said amid Russia's decision on Monday to interrupt gas supplies to Ukraine, the country transited by a significant part of the Russian gas exports to the European Union. AGERPRES

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