
The Average Monthly Income Per Person in Sofia is BGN 661

People with higher education in Sofia are twice as many as those in the country.

The average monthly income per capita in the capital is BGN 661, compared to BGN 488 in 2017.

There are a lot more young people in working age living here - 77 percent under 60 years, compared to 68 percent for the country.

World Happiness Report: Bulgaria is Ranked 97th in the World

Bulgaria is ranked 97th in the world in happiness between Cameroon and Ghana, being more unhappy than almost all Balkan countries, according to World Happiness Report 2019, quoted by Econ.bg

Many foreigners who visit our country mark a very repulsive trait in the Bulgarians - always complaining about everything and its pessimism.

Turkey slips to 74th place in ‘world happiness’ ratings while Finland tops list

Turkey has slipped five places to 74th out of 156 countries in the “world happiness ratings,” while Finland tops the list, according to The World Happiness Report 2018, which is an annual publication of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Turkey came 69th in last year’s report.

Ioanna Portolou & Griffon | Athens | January 15-18

Acclaimed choreographer and dancer Ioanna Portolou explores the element of risk in the quest for true happiness in her new production for the Griffon dance company. The show, titled "Risk" and on at the Onassis Cultural Center January 15-18, sees five performers succumbing to the carefree abandon of 1980s music as they explore the consequences of setting the fear of injury aside.

These maps show the happiest countries in the world (Infographs)

If you live in a depressing part of the world (a city that takes all your hard-earned cash for example) you’re probably desperate for an escape of some sort – one to the happiest country on Earth, maybe?

With World Happiness Day swiftly coming up we thought we’d bring you some happy news.
