People Who Live in Small Towns Are Happier

A study conducted among 400,000 Canadians found that the inhabitants of small provincial towns feel eight times happier than those living in the megacities, according to Daily Mail.

The study recognizes that large cities have some advantages - unemployment is much lower, wages are higher, and education is better. Which, however, does not make their inhabitants much happier.

This is due to the fact that in big cities the social alienation is much bigger, which reduces the index of human happiness. Things are not so in the small provincial communities, where people live much more cooperatively.

When conducting the study, scientists at McGill University of Montreal used a well-established "rock of happiness." Respondents had to answer how happy they were with their lives and give them an assessment of the ten-tier system. This study confirmed the conclusion.

It turned out that people from big cities are 800 percent less happy than their compatriots in the deep province.

Residents in urban areas have significantly fewer contacts with relatives and friends. Scientists have long warned that social isolation changes the human brain, which is loaded with an ingredient that generates fear and aggression.

Residents of large cities spend about 30 percent of their income for home improvement, which is an additional stress factor.

The urban environment is perceived by those living in it as less safe, even at the subconscious level. People have less confidence, as the urban mass is not homogeneous, but much more heterogeneous than in the deep province.

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