
New case rekindles Ebola fears in Turkey

A 34-year-old citizen has been quarantined in a southeastern Turkish town, rekindling fears of a possible case of the Ebola virus.

The patient, who works in Uganda and was visiting his hometown, was taken to an isolated room at the infection service of Çukurova University Balcalı Hospital in the Osmaniye province, Anadolu Agency reported Aug. 15.

Robin Williams had early stage Parkinson's: wife

Hollywood actor Robin Williams, found dead this week after an apparent suicide, was suffering from depression and the early stages of Parkinson's disease, his wife said Thursday.
The beloved comedian's personal assistant found Williams hanging from his belt in a bedroom of his California home on Monday, sparking speculation about his long public battle with addiction.

Greece reports first West Nile virus case this year

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (KEELPNO) on Wednesday confirmed the first case of West Nile virus in Greece this year.

According to KEELPNO, laboratory tests confirmed that an 85-year-old Greek man has been infected with the virus, which can be fatal.

The man is a resident of Attica and has not traveled to other parts of the country, KEELPNO said.

Childhood Obesity in Bulgaria Growing at Alarming Rate

Childhood obesity in Bulgaria has increased from 12.3% in 2008 to 13.9% in 2014, a new study among 3,353 children at the age of 7 has showed.

The research was carried out by the National Public Health and Analyses Center and the Regional Health Inspectorates in the country, Bulgarian Telegraph Agency informed.

Patra police arrest seven members of drug-dealing gang

Police officers from the narcotics squad in the western port of Patra have arrested seven suspected members of two drug-dealing rackets believed to have traded some 150 kilograms of cannabis in the broader region, a police statement said on Tuesday.

The police arrested the suspects – seven Greeks and one Albanian national – after months of surveillance.
