Ilias Kasidiaris

Invisible pressure groups

The power of image can now replace the force of iron bars, and social networks can replace public squares for spreading rhetoric. This is evident in the popularity of Ilias Kasidiaris' anti-immigrant, racist and fascist rhetoric on social media.

Far-right party’s legal maneuver fails

A move by the far-right National Party-Greeks to remove three members of the Supreme Court's A1 Civil Section considering its eligibility to contest the May 21 election has been unanimously rejected.

National Party-Greeks was founded in 2020 by convicted criminal Ilias Kasidiaris, a former MP with the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party from 2012 to 2019.

Speculation over far-right alliances ahead of vote

As the May 21 elections draw nearer, several parties on the right of the ruling New Democracy are competing for the support of extremist voters. Amid the legal battle to prevent him from running with his newly formed National Party, there has been much speculation about the plans of Ilias Kasidiaris, the convicted leader of the now-defunct neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party.
