Ilias Kasidiaris

Both the political system and justice have failed

The way the Greek political system handled a major institutional and political issue such as banning the party formed by Ilias Kasidiaris, the former Golden Dawn lawmaker who is serving a 13-year prison sentence for membership in a criminal organization, was not only not exemplary, but it is likely to lead to a strengthening of the appeal of the anti-systemic extreme right.

Ex-judge says gov’t intervened to ban extreme-right party

With the Supreme Court having launched the proceedings sanctioned by a parliamentary amendment to increase the number of judges in the special chamber that will decide the electoral fate of the extreme-right party of jailed Ilias Kasidiaris, there was fresh political fallout on Wednesday after the top court's former vice president Christos Tzanerikos, who resigned last week, claimed the governm

Some seriousness would be more appropriate

Main leftist opposition SYRIZA has once again failed to meet expectations by abstaining from a crucial vote in Parliament. The vote aimed to prevent the far-right political party founded by jailed MP Ilias Kasidiaris from participating in the country's upcoming elections. Only New Democracy and PASOK supported the amendment in question.

Greece Tightens Law to Stop Far-Right Party Running in Elections

Ilias Kasidiaris, a former Golden Dawn MP who was given a 13-year jail; sentence, presents arguments for suspending the sentence at an appeal court in Athens, 16 October 2020. Photo: EPA-EFE/PANTELIS SAITAS

The Greek parliament on Tuesday passed a new amendment to recent legislation to ensure the far-right Greeks-National party cannot participate in elections due in May.

Gov’t to introduce legislative provision to block far-right party

The Greek government plans to introduce a legislative provision aimed at blocking the Greek National Party (Ellines), a far-right party founded by former MP Ilias Kasidiaris, from participating in the upcoming elections. 

On Thursday, government spokesperson Ioannis Oikonomou announced that this provision would be added to the final bill to be voted on before Easter. 
