Information and communication technologies for development

Negroponte returns to MIT Media Lab to inspire Greek tech entrepreneurs

Greek American Nicholas Negroponte, founder of the MIT Media Lab, discussed the history of the Media Lab, his efforts to bring computing to children in the developing world, as well as his experiences in early stage technology investing in a fireside chat with Michalis Bletsas, Director of Computing at the MIT Media Lab.

Turkey to hold 'Justice Summit' to fix judicial deficiencies

The Justice Ministry will hold a summit with the participation of all relevant stakeholders on Nov. 29 in a bid to address existing judicial problems and as part of efforts to update the Judicial Reform Strategy, a step the European Union has long been demanding from the Turkish government.

PM brings together large companies and startups

The meeting on Tuesday at the Scientific and Technology Park was initiated by Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, the government has announced.

The first in a series of meetings was organized to discuss ways to collaborate in order to increase the production of solutions that startup and innovation companies are developing, as well as support for market finding.

Turkey continues its mediocrity in the IT sector

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has released two reports this year, one in May and the last one a few days ago. The report in May described the information and communication technology (ICT) development in the world very briefly; the last one, however, gave us detailed insight. First of all, I would like to get you updated on the world's situation.