Insurance industry

NSSI: BGN 974.05 Is the Average Insured Income for the Country in July 2019

The average social insured income for the country for July 2019 is BGN 974.05, the NSSI announced.

The average monthly insurance income for the country for the last year is 945,00 BGN.

The determined average monthly social security income for the country for the indicated period serves in calculating the amount of newly granted pensions in August this year.

Natural disasters caused by men cost $44 billions

This was announced by Swiss company for reinsurance, Swiss Re.

At that time, at least 5000 people lost their lives to natural disasters. Insurance companies covered up $19 millions, since only 42% of total losses were insured.
The damage of $40 billions has been made in natural disasters, while men is responsible for the remaining damage in the amount of $4 billions.

Work underway to offer access to social security records

All employees will eventually be able to access their social security records online through a system called ATLAS or through the usual TXI system.

At present, only partial records can be found, including those insured with the IKA and OAEE pension funds since 1994 and farmers insured since 1998.

Economic Losses From Bad Weather in Europe in June Will Cost $ 2 billion

Meteorological anomalies and related consequences from European countries in June this year have caused economic damages totaling $ 2 billion, according to data from the international leading company in risk management and consulting in the field of insurance and reinsurance Aon, quoted by

NSSI: The Average Insured Income for Bulgaria in May 2019 is BGN 980.76

The National Social Security Institute declares that the average insured income for the country for May 2019 is BGN 980.76.

This was announced by the NSSI press centre.

The average monthly insured income for the country for the period from 01 June 2018 to 31 May 2019 is BGN 928.94.

The Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism and the CPC with Large Scale Inspections at Sea Resorts

Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelova took part in the inspection of sites in Sunny Beach offering excursions. The inspections were carried out jointly with experts from the CPC and the Economic Police on signals that an unregulated activity took place. It turned out that many of the small tourists did not offer the mandatory insurance to guarantee the safety of the tourists.

New Appreciation of the Third Party Liability Insurance

Insurance companies have warned that another price increase for mandatory Third Party Liability insurance lies just round the corner, wrote newspaper "Now". Last year the insurance jumped more than 50% and its average value is now between 250 and 300 leva depending on the settlement. The increase is likely to continue in the coming months as well.

The Average Insured Income in Bulgaria for January is BGN 951.57

The average insured income for the country in January 2019 is BGN 951.57, the National Social Security Institute reported.

Compared to December, there was a slight decrease of 0.35%, but usually in the last month of the year the insured income is higher because of the bonuses paid. Compared to a year earlier, the increase was 10.24%.

719 Thousand Bulgarian Citizens Are Not Health-Insured, Data by the End of 2017

719 thousand Bulgarian citizens are are not health-insured.  This is the official data by the end of 2017 by the Bulgarian Health Ministry. 

Currently a process is underway to prepare the assessment for the health-insured Bulgarian citizens for 2018, which is not yet complete.
