Islam in Turkey

Main opposition CHP MP blasts photo of 'yes' voters in mosque in referendum campaign

Main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) lawmaker Sezgin Tanrıkulu has criticized a photo showing people spelling out the word "yes" while in a mosque to support the April 16 constitutional referendum.

Tanrıkulu reacted to the photo on his official Twitter account, saying, "No to politics in the mosque."

Men wearing earrings

The head of the Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet), Professor Mehmet Görmez, said this during an on-the-job training session for religious officials: "Our young people are saying, 'Nobody should have prejudices against us because of our lifestyles; they should not sneer when they see my earring, when they see my goatee and my hair tied at the back.

Belgium rejects visa applications of Turkish imams

The Belgian authorities have rejected the visa applications of four Turkish imams who requested long-term visas to work in the country. 

The Belgian Foreign Affairs Council supported the rejection decision given by Belgian State Secretary for Asylum and Migration Theo Francken, German daily Deutsche Welle reported on March 16. 

Germany raids apartments of four Turkish imams suspected of spying

German police on Feb. 15 raided the apartments of four imams suspected of conducting espionage on behalf of the Turkish government against followers of U.S.-based Islamic preacher Fethullah Gülen, which Ankara accuses of organizing the failed coup attempt on July 15, 2016. 

Turkey's religious affairs directorate criticizes matchmaking TV shows

Turkey's Religious Affairs Directorate (Diyanet) slammed matchmaking TV shows in its Friday sermon on Feb. 3, saying they undermined the country's values. 

Diyanet delivered its Friday sermon on the topic of marriage, ruling that marriage should strictly be based on loyalty and family values.
