January 2015 Greek government formation

Kasselakis: He admits he is the owner of a foreign company - "If it is prohibited, I will sell it"

The president of SYRIZA announced that he will be immediately informed by his lawyers if the law concerns him, as he is not a member of parliament - "I will never "sell" the world of Syriza, at any personal financial cost," he replies to the publication of news247

Stefanos Kasselakis: Insists on the questionnaire despite the reactions - A heated reaction from Gerovassili, Spirtzi, Rigas

The statement of the president of SYRIZA - Gerovassili speaks of "the dissolution of the party created by Tsipras" - "Probably not informed" says Spirtzis - Sharp response from Tzakri

The survival of Alexis Tsipras

Since 2015, when he came to power with leftist SYRIZA, Alexis Tsipras is said to have maintained a neutral stance twice: The first was when he announced a referendum in June 2015. It was a political decision he made himself. Supposedly, as prime minister, he should have followed a neutral stance. Supposedly.
