Judicial system of Turkey

Turkish Deputy PM accuses opposition of not supporting fight against Gülenists

Deputy Prime Minister Yalç?n Akdo?an slammed the main opposition parties on April 28 over their ?lack of support for the government in the struggle against the parallel state,? the same day as Turkey?s high judiciary board allowed the prosecution against two judges who demanded the release of 76 suspects allegedly working for U.S.-based Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen.

Top judicial body probes judiciary members affiliated with pro-Gülen 'terror organization'

Turkey?s justice minister has announced that the country?s top judicial body has decided to investigate judges and prosecutors who allegedly formed a ?parallel power? within the judiciary as an extension of the ?Parallel State Structure Terror Organization/Pro-Fetullah Terror Organization? (Fetullahç? Terör Örgütü).

Chess game continues at Supreme Court of Appeals ahead of polls

The balance of power at Turkey's Supreme Court of Appeals is like a chess game played on a shifting platform. Five candidates are running for office in the elections scheduled to be held today, but understanding the situation in the chamber is impossible without taking a closer look at the back story.

What was the balance of power in the Supreme Court of Appeals before 2010?

Five prosecutors involved in Turkish intelligence trucks search removed from duty

Five public prosecutors involved in the stopping and searching of National Intelligence Organization (M?T) trucks in January 2013 have been removed from their duties by the Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK), on the grounds of the "safety of investigations and not harming the judiciary's influence or reputation."
