Kievan Rus'

"Thanks for Kosovo - and we back Ukraine's integrity"

PM Ana Brnabic and Ukrainian Ambassador Oleksandr Aleksandrovych on Friday "confirmed the readiness of the two countries to improve bilateral cooperation."

According to a government statement cited by Tanjug, they also assessed that there were "great opportunities to strengthening economic ties between Serbia and Ukraine, especially when it comes to cooperation between SMEs."

Macron says France will not recognise Crimea 'annexation'

President Emmanuel Macron said Monday France refuses to recognise Russia's "annexation" of the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea, AFP reported.
Speaking after talks with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in Paris, Macron said: "France is committed to Ukraine's sovereignty with its recognised borders."/FOCUS News Agency/

NATO jet 'buzzed' Russian cargo plane

A plane carrying Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu was buzzed by a NATO F-16 fighter jet as it flew over the Baltic Sea, but was seen off by a Russian Sukhoi-27 military jet, Russian news agencies reported on June 21.

The F-16 had tried to approach the aircraft carrying the  defense minister even though it was flying over neutral waters, agencies said. 

Russia-Serbia-Belarus anti-terror drills begin in Brest

BREST, Belarus - Slavic Brotherhood 2017, anti-terror drills involving Serbian, Russian and Belarusian forces, began at the Brestsky military training range in Belarus on Tuesday.

Belarusian Special Operations Commander Maj-Gen Vadim Denisenko congratulated the representatives of the three armed forces at an opening ceremony, Tass reported.

Tanjug file photo, S. Radovanovic

Russia's FM: After Bulgaria's Elections, No One Is Talking About Russian Interference

The topic of Russia's interference in the elections of European countries is absurd, stated to TASS the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Alexey Meshkov.

Meshkov commented on the presumed participation of Moscow in the election process of several EU member-states as follows:
