KK Igokea

Russia Accused of 'Interfering' With Serbian Declaration

The secretary general of a small opposition liberal party in Serbia, Nova Stranka [New Party], Djordje Nakic, told BIRN that his party intends to help draw up a declaration on [the lack of] human rights in Russia - after Russia's ruling United Russia party announced it wished to help Serbs create a declaration on the preservation of Serbia's national identity.

"You don't bully Dodik - you get his friends in Belgrade"

"If you want Milorad Dodik to do something, you will not get it done by bullying him from Brussels," says a former high representative for Bosnia.

Instead, Paddy Ashdown recently told an inquiry organized by the British Parliament's Foreign Policy Committee, "you get it done by getting his friends in Belgrade."

Bosnian Serb Opposition MPs Block Assembly's Work

For the second day in a row, over 30 opposition members of parliament in Republika Srpska, the Serb-dominated entity of Bosnia, took up seats behind the table of the speaker, preventing the session from being held until their demands were met.

Negotiations that lasted from Tuesday evening to Wednesday to noon ended without result.
