Kurdish separatism in Turkey

British journalists arrested 'for listing PKK affiliates in a notebook': Anadolu Agency

The abbreviations and English translations of organizations linked to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers? Party (PKK) written in a notebook has been mentioned among the evidence seized by the police in the arrest of two British journalists working for VICE News, according to Turkey?s state-run Anadolu Agency. 

Turkey's parliament to vote on Syria mandate

Turkey's parliament will convene for an extraordinary session on Sept. 3 to vote on a motion to extend the mandate of the Turkish Armed Forces to take military action in Iraq and Syria.

The motion submitted by the Justice and Development Party (AKP) on Aug. 21 said there was an increased risk regarding national security.

Female soldier tells mourning mother 'rich people don't become soldiers, don't die'

A non-commissioned female officer, accompanying the mother of a killed soldier during his funeral, took the attention of the media when she said that rich people would not become soldiers nor be martyred, while trying to soothe the mother?s pain.

Tell them 'Apo is dead'

Turkey?s political decision makers could have read the Arab Spring in a much different way. Demands for a better, more just country, better income distribution, a true hope for a better tomorrow were not pie-in-the-sky demands for Turkey?s leaders. Yet, they failed to read between the lines. The outlawed Kurdistan Workers? Party?s (PKK) leadership did not.
