Legal professions

PM Dancila on criteria for Justice Minister’s nomination: Politically independent, well-acquainted with magistrates’ work

Prime Minister and national leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Viorica Dancila explained the reasons behind the decision to replace Ana Birchall as Justice Minister and appoint Dana Garbovan in her place, stating that she wants the position to be held by somebody who has worked with magistrates and is also politically independent. "Of course I discussed with Mrs.

The Lawyers Bar Association in Plovdiv Has Issued a Statement against Ivan Geshev's Views on the Separation of Powers

The Lawyers Bar Association in Plovdiv has issued a statement in which it strongly disagrees with the views expressed in a television interview by Ivan Geshev on the separation of powers, BNR reported.

Assigning blame in Caracal case should be evidence not emotion-based say prosecutors' reps

About the recent tragic event in Caracal, where a hitch-hiking teenage girl was reportedly kidnapped, raped and murdered as the authorities took a long time to act on her emergency calls, the Prosecutors' Section of the Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM) on Monday said that "the legal truth and responsibilities should be proven and established on the basis of evidence and in no way under the

Nistor's mandate as DNA interim chief prosecutor extended by another six months

The Prosecutors' Section of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) extended on Tuesday by another six months Calin Nistor's mandate as interim chief prosecutor of the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA). The decision was announced by Justice Minister Ana Birchall, at the end of the meeting.

Prosecutor to testify next week over claims gov't official influenced Novartis probe

Supreme Court deputy prosecutor Ioannis Angelis, who has claimed that the leftist government influenced an investigation into an alleged bribery scandal involving the Swiss drugs manufacturer Novartis, is to be summoned next Friday by another Supreme Court deputy prosecutor, Dimitris Dasoulas, who has been appointed by the court's main prosecutor Xeni Dimitriou to probe his claims. 

Authorities scamper to deal with terrorist hunger-striker Koufodinas

Amid a spate of attacks of anarchist supporters of N17 terrorist Dimitris Koufodinas, who is on a hunger strike because a prosecutor denied him his seventh legally-mandated furlough, Greek police, judicial authorities, and the government are scampering to find a formula to prevent his death due to his two-week hunger-strike, which would make him a hero among his anarchist followers and open the

UPDATE/Justice Ministry to resume selection of attorney general after rejecting four bids

The Justice Ministry is to resume the selection procedure for bids to the position of Romania's attorney general, Justice Minister Tudorel Toader confirmed to AGERPRES on Wednesday. The decision was made after the selection board chaired by Toader rejected the four candidates who had filed bids: Augustin Lazar, Marian Drilea, Gabriela Scutea and Daniel Horodniceanu.
