
Artist uses mementos to present a diary of his Indian journeys

Artist Alexandros Georgiou is not looking for an audience but fellow travelers with whom to share his journeys in faraway places. In the last few years, the artist's body of work has been tied to his long-distance travels with a bare minimum of luggage and an immense desire to get under the skin of every place he visits.

Drop in average tourism spending was far greater than in other countries

Had tourists' average per capita expenditure in Greece in July and August been on a par with that at rival destinations, the country's tourism revenues would not have posted a decline, according to a survey presented on Thursday by the Greek Tourism Confederation (SETE).

Turkey's tourism problems are political

Interesting results came out of an interactive survey involving 1,000 participants from all over Turkey, at the 6th International Resort Tourism Congress in the Mediterranean city of Antalya's Lara Barut Hotel. This was the sector's most important meeting in 2016, amid the worst crisis in the modern history of Turkey's tourism.

10th Gastronomical Tourism conference on November 26-27

The 10th International Conference on Gastronomical Tourism is scheduled to take place on November 26-27 at the Athens Technical School (TEI) convention hall. The 2-day event will be held under the auspices of the Greek Ministries of Tourism, Rural Development and Food, the Greek Tourism Organisation (GTO) and UNESCO group of Piraeus and Islands.

Smart-city, eco-friendly “Olive Green” hotel opens in Heraklion (photos-video)

“Olive Green” Hotel is an eco-friendly, smart hotel that recently opened its doors to visitors in the heart of Heraklion on the island of Crete. The owners transformed a landmark building of the 1960’s into a contemporary smart-city hotel, offering visitors the chance to live a unique experience during their stay in the 48 prototype rooms and suites.

Аrchaeologists Discover 4th Century Roman Bath in Bulgaria's Plovdiv

Archaeologists have discovered a Roman bath dated back to the 4th century in the Bulgarian city of Plovdiv.

The bathroom is a complex on a several acres with marble floor and a swimming pool. Currently the builders gave the archaeologists the place and a team led by Maya Martinova discovers the remains which are remarkably saved, according to BGNES wire service.
