
Serbian Bank Eases Plight Over Franc Loans

The National Bank of Serbia, NBS, on February 25 told commercial banks they must allow customers with loans in Swiss francs to repay their mortgages in euros, at lower interest rates, or with lower monthly repayment rates.

"The NBS estimates that implementation of this decision would significantly relieve the situation of borrowers.

Lending activity down by 2% in 2014

BELGRADE - The total credit debt of legal entities dropped by two percent compared to 2013, while the debt of citizens increased by around nine percent, the Association of Serbian Banks stated on Monday.

The debt per capita arising from loans and leasing services increased from EUR 834 in 2013 to EUR 861 in 2014.

Finansbank secures syndicated loan worth $845 mln

Turkey's Finansbank, owned by National Bank of Greece, said on Tuesday it secured a syndicated loan in two tranches of $397 million and 356 million euro ($442.6 million).

The loans will be used to finance foreign trade and has a maturity of 1 year, said the statement to the Istanbul stock exchange. [Reuters]
