Major depressive disorder

Forget Prozac or Viagra… Scientists find that churchgoing is the best way to be happy!

Researchers found that people who join religious organizations have better mental health than those who don’t. In fact, a four-year study by the Erasmus University Medical Center in the Netherlands monitored 9,000 people aged over 50 across Europe found that a session at church was more beneficial than taking part in sport or charity work.

Where do you live? I’ll tell you what you suffer from (see map)

The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation in Seattle carried out a survey of the world’s disease burden in 2013. These have just been published in the Lancet medical journal. Here is what most people suffer from. In Greece, like most of the world it’s lower back pain, though depression seems to be gaining ground.

Robin Williams had early stage Parkinson's: wife

Hollywood actor Robin Williams, found dead this week after an apparent suicide, was suffering from depression and the early stages of Parkinson's disease, his wife said Thursday.
The beloved comedian's personal assistant found Williams hanging from his belt in a bedroom of his California home on Monday, sparking speculation about his long public battle with addiction.
