Media transparency

BIRN Conference: Media Freedom Being Rolled Back in Balkans

BIRN directors and media experts highighted the main obstacles to media freedom in the region and offered their own recommendations on how to improve the situation at the regional conference of the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, entitled "Media Freedom Challenges", on Friday in Sarajevo.

SocDems plead for more transparent public data as anticorruption instrument

The citizens' confidence in the state institutions should start from concrete measures for more transparent and open data, Chamber of Deputies Speaker Valeriu Zgonea declared on Tuesday in his message to the conference 'Transparency and Open Data - Anticorruption and Security' organized by the "Ovidiu Sincai" Social Democratic Institute (ISD), in a partnership with the General Secretariat of th

"Most media not contributing to informing citizens"

"Most media not contributing to informing citizens"

BELGRADE -- Most media content does not serve to "raise the level of general informedness of the Serbian citizens," Miroslav Milicevic said on Wednesday.

The Anti-Corruption Council vice president was addressing a session of the Parliamentary Committee on Culture and Information,

Turkey, technology and transparency

Technology is, among other things, is the number one enabler of transparency through the world. If you keep a record of everything in your databases there is no way but to go transparent.

That is why there is much legislation around the world making businesses to keep everything from emails to transactions for many years digitally.

TS proposes amendments to media bill

BELGRADE - Transparency Serbia (TS) proposed amendments to the bill on public information and media intended to provide better insight into media funding sources, and urged Serbian MPs to take these suggestions into consideration.

The amendments to 12 articles of the bill that entered the parliamentary procedure on Wednesday mainly focus on corruption issues.
