Medical research

AstraZeneca jabs for ages 60-64 to start after Feb 12

Greece's National Vaccination Committee has unanimously approved the vaccine against the coronavirus produced by pharmaceuticals firm AstraZeneca for those aged 64 and younger.

More specifically, vaccinations for the 60-64 age group will start sometime after February 12, it was announced on Friday.

The online registration platform will open in the coming days.

AstraZeneca vaccine approved in Greece for people under 65

Greece's National Vaccination Committee has unanimously approved the vaccine against the coronavirus produced by pharmaceuticals firm AstraZeneca, for those aged 64 and younger.

Vaccinations for the 60-64 age group will start sometime after February 12, it was announced Friday. The online registration platform will open in the coming days.

Number of people vaccinated tops 2.5 mln in Turkey

The number of people in Turkey who have received their first doses of a vaccine against the novel coronavirus crossed the 2.5 million mark as of Feb. 4, according to official figures.

In Turkey's mass vaccination campaign, under which health professionals are administering jabs of CoronaVac purchased from Chinese company Sinovac, immunization efforts are running smoothly.

CNCAV: Immunization with AstraZeneca vaccine - recommended for 18 to 55 age group

Immunization against COVID-19 with AstraZeneca vaccine is recommended for the 18 to 55 age group, with the possibility of increasing this range as new scientific data emerge, and the recommended time interval between the two doses is 8 weeks, the National COVID-19 Vaccination Coordination Committee (CNCAV) specified on Thursday.

Russia sends Covid-19 Vaccines Sputnik to Iran

After some European countries opted to use Sputnik vaccine Russia, Iran also received the vaccine. Last month, the Iranian parliament had pleaded for a ban on Western-produced, and especially US-made vaccines, for political reasons.

The first shipment of Russia's Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccines arrived in Iran on Thursday.
