US to Deploy Long-Range Missiles in Germany, Prompting Russian Military Alert

The United States plans to deploy long-range Tomahawk missiles in Germany, prompting Russia to put its ballistic missiles on alert in response. This decision marks the first time since the Cold War that American long-range weapons will be stationed in Germany, intended to bolster European deterrence against potential threats.

NATO boosts Asia ties in face of China, Zelensky attends

NATO leaders on Thursday looked to bolster ties with Asian partners after slamming China as a "decisive enabler" of Russia's war, before holding talks with Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky at the end of a summit in Washington.

The 32-nation alliance has used the pomp-filled set piece in the U.S. capital to showcase its resolve against Moscow and backing for Kiev.

Zelensky to take center stage as NATO summit also looks to Asia

NATO leaders on Thursday will hold talks with Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky and turn their attention to the challenge from China at a meeting with Asian partners, as they wrap up a three-day summit in Washington.

The 32-nation alliance has used the pomp-filled set piece in the U.S. capital to showcase its resolve against Russia and backing for Kiev.

PM Mitsotakis reiterates support for Ukraine at Washington NATO summit

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis reiterated NATO's support for Ukraine in his first comment upon arrival at the NATO summit in Washington on Wednesday

"We celebrate the creation of the most resilient alliance in the world," said Mitsotakis, adding that the meeting takes place at a time of great challenges.

"We will continue to support Ukraine," he emphasized.
