Nuclear weapon

Nuclear Threat is not Coming Just from North Korea

On May 28, 1998, Pakistan made its first attempt at a nuclear bomb that caused indignation around the world. 17 days ago, Indian President Abdul Kalam, a rocket engineer in education, said the country had tested a nuclear missile. In India, everyone calls Abdu'l Kalam the "Rocket Politician" because it gives a decisive boost to the Indian nuclear program.

General Lazarevic: NATO threw 8 "Hiroshima" on Serbia, turned war crime into genocide

In 1999 NATO led against Serbian people and state nuclear and chemical war of low intensity. For those 78 days, NATO has thrown on our country from the sea and from the air more bombs than Adolf Hitler from 1941 to 1945. The equivalent of the used explosives is between six and eight nuclear bombs thrown at Hiroshima.
