
How Healthy is Watermelon – Experts Weigh In on our Favorite Summer Fruit

Watermelon, with its vibrant red flesh and refreshing sweetness, is more than just a beloved summer treat. This hydrating fruit, composed of about 92% water, is packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants that offer a range of health benefits. Let’s explore how healthy watermelon truly is and why it should be an integral part of our diet.

What We Eat vs. How We Eat: Three Ways to Eat Healthier

When it comes to maintaining good health, diet is one of the most effective ways to take care of your body. Do you remember the first thing the doctor asks when we visit for knee pain or liver discomfort? “Are you watching your diet?” This persistent question, although often irritating, underscores the interconnected nature of our body’s health systems.

Bulgaria Faces Obesity Crisis: 40% of Population Affected

A representative sociological survey by Trend Agency reveals that 40% of Bulgarians are obese, with 25% of individuals having the highest first degree of the disease. The situation is also worsening among children, with Bulgaria ranking second in Central Europe for obesity prevalence, now affecting children as young as 3-4 years old.

Obesity a hefty time bomb hovering above Greece

The Health Ministry is reportedly preparing a special program for obesity, as citizens and many doctors still do not consider it a disease and do not take targeted measures to deal with it. The program will focus on prevention, early diagnosis and treatment with free follow-up by a nutritionist and other professionals.

Every Third Bulgarian Child Is Overweight

Bulgaria is facing a concerning trend as new data reveals that every third child in the country is overweight, with obesity rates soaring among adolescents. According to data from 2022, the prevalence of obesity among children aged 7 to 19 is alarmingly high, with the most cases identified among seventh-grade students. These findings were shared by Deputy Minister of Health Assoc.
