Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights

Brnabic meets with ODIHR's Zannier

BELGRADE - Serbian Parliament Speaker Ana Brnabic met with the head of the ODIHR election observation mission, Lamberto Zannier, on Friday to discuss dialogue between political groups in the Serbian parliament, which she noted had resulted in a broader social consensus on implementation of ODIHR recommendations for improvement of electoral conditions.

Brnabic: No agreement reached, everything came down to election date

BELGRADE - Serbian Parliament Speaker Ana Brnabic said Wednesday's meeting between the ruling coalition and the opposition on electoral conditions had been the best yet but that no agreement had been reached because the discussions had come down to the date of the upcoming Belgrade local elections, called for June 2.

Vucic, Mecacci discuss ODIHR recommendations for advancement of electoral process

BELGRADE - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said he had had an open discussion with the Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) Matteo Mecacci on Wednesday about ODIHR recommendations for advancement of the electoral process.

Vucic,Mecacci discuss ODIHR recommendations for advancement of electoral process

BELGRADE - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said he had had an open discussion with the Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) Matteo Mecacci on Wednesday about ODIHR recommendations for advancement of the electoral process.

Serbia Against Violence walks out of meeting on ODIHR recommendations

BELGRADE - Representatives of the opposition Serbia Against Violence coalition walked out of Thursday's meeting with the ruling coalition on implementation of ODIHR recommendations.

At a press conference in the lobby of the parliament building, the representatives did not elaborate on whether they would take part in further dialogue on the matter.

Brnabic: Unlike former gov'ts, we have implemented 54 ODIHR recommendations

BELGRADE - Between 2019 and 2023, Serbia implemented 54 ODIHR recommendations and formed a unified electoral roll connected to the central population register, while governments before that period - made up by the current opposition - did not implement a single recommendation, Serbian Parliament Speaker Ana Brnabic said on Monday.

ODIHR report gives positive assessment to Serbian national electoral commission

BELGRADE - The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) has officially released its final report on the December 17 Serbian elections, giving a positive assessment of the work of the national electoral commission and issuing recommendations for legislative and procedural changes before the next elections.
