Political ideologies

Is a center-left alliance possible only in Paris?

Will the outcome of the elections in France and the UK trigger a wave of support for progressive forces across Europe as a whole? There are some important differences between the two countries that need to be noted. In the UK, extreme populism and promises of magical solutions were tried and they failed dismally.

Fight in the Italian Parliament

As preparations are underway for the G-7 meeting in the Puglia region, a fight erupted in Rome during a session of the lower house of the Italian Parliament. A member of the opposition's populist "Five Star" movement attempted to hand the Italian flag to the Minister of Regional Affairs, but was attacked by other MPs in the process.

Tragic Loss: German Police Officer Dies After Anti-Islam Rally Attack

In the southwestern German city of Mannheim, a tragic incident unfolded as a 29-year-old police officer lost his life following a violent attack during an anti-Islam rally. The officer was fatally stabbed by a knife-wielding assailant, who targeted several individuals participating in the demonstration organized by Pax Europa, a group advocating against radical Islam.

Dacic: Our duty is to not allow attempts to change history

BELGRADE - Serbian Interior Minister Ivica Dacic congratulated all Serbian citizens on May 9 - WWII Victory Day - on Thursday.

"Victory Day is a great holiday, a symbol of heroism and unity of peoples that, above all, brings back strong memories of the joint fight against fascism, the biggest evil of the 20th century," Dacic said in a statement released by the Interior Ministry.

Bulgarian Socialist Party Leader Commemorates Victory Day and Europe Day with Call for Peace

As Bulgaria marks both Victory Day and Europe Day, Kornelia Ninova, leader of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP), took a moment to reflect on the sacrifices made during World War II and the enduring quest for peace on the continent.

Bulgaria's Political Landscape in 2023: Populist Parties Below 20% Support

In a recent release of the Authoritarian Populism Index 2024, Bulgaria emerges as a focal point for understanding the intricate interplay of political ideologies shaping Europe's landscape. Published by Timbro and EPICENTER, the index, presented in Bulgarian by the Institute for Market Economics, offers a comprehensive analysis spanning decades of electoral dynamics.

Greece’s return to parliamentary democracy wasn’t accompanied by checks, balances

In April of 1947, in the midst of the civil war, the leader of the Nationalist Party (renamed People's Party in 1920), Theodoros Tourkovasilis, while speaking to the Greek Parliament, mentioned Switzerland in passing: "I was recently given the chance to admire this people and to see the fine organization of this state up close. Switzerland is indeed a masterpiece of a state.
