Political philosophy

Smart measures

When it was in the opposition, New Democracy had criticized Alexis Tsipras's leftist government for distributing the country's primary budget surplus in the form of an end-of-the year handout. 

Ciamba attends General Affairs (Art.50) Council; Romanians in UK, encouraged to register for special status

Minister Delegate for European Affairs George Ciamba attended a new General Affairs (Art.50) Council meeting on Tuesday, in Luxembourg, in which the EU's chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, presented the latest developments in the Brexit process, as well as his assessment of the prospects for the negotiations to move towards an agreement that would allow an orderly withdrawal and which could be s

Hungary’s Opposition Wins in Budapest and Other Cities

Karacsony called his victory "a lesson on democracy" after Fidesz-backed Istvan Tarlos conceded defeat, media reported.

With most ballots counted, Karacsony, 44, had the support of more than 50 per cent of voters in the capital, compared with just over 44 per cent for Tarlos, 71, mayor of Budapest since 2010.

Viorica Dancila determined to soldier on as PSD Chair

Outgoing Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said on Thursday evening that she will not step down as Chair of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) because she cannot leave her team during hard times. "I must stay at the helm of the party until after the presidential election. (...) I have no intention to resign. I never give up on my team when we are going through more difficult times.
