Political spectrum

Dveri: Early parliamentary elections by end of year

BELGRADE - Supporters of the Dveri Movement organised a protest against the government's policy in downtown Belgrade on Saturday and announced protests throughout Serbia with the aim of having early parliamentary elections called by the year's end.

Protesters carried flags and banners with the photo of Russian President Vladimir Putin. No incidents occurred at the gathering.

Labour Minister Rovana Plumb elected chair of Social Democratic Party's National Council

The National Council of the ruling Social Democratic Party (PSD) elected Labour Minister Rovana Plumb as its chair, in a 807 to 37 vote; she was already one of the party's vice presidents.

Rovana Plumb
Photo credit: (c) Cristian NISTOR / AGERPRES PHOTO

The voting proceeded based on 855 mandates distributed to the delegates; 844 votes were valid and 11 invalidated.

CHP leader highlights democracy for his decision to run internal elections

The leader of Turkey's main social democratic party, Kemal K?l?çdaro?lu, has said he has decided to run internal elections in his party before finalizing his candidacy for the upcoming parliamentary elections in order to highlight the meaning of democracy, in a rare move in Turkish politics.

Police hold back on intervening in Athens Law School sit-in

Authorities at Athens University and Athens Law School did not call in the police Friday when some 200 anarchists staged a sit-in at the latter institution. The anarchists took over the Law School in the morning.

Some were carrying wooden clubs and fire extinguishers, according to witnesses. The students and lecturers who were in the building were forced out.
